If you've been looking for how to score above 300 in JAMB UTME, you're in the right place! in this post, candidates will be enlightened on why they need high UTME scores, alongside getting tips and motivational backups for confidence boost in other to achieve this.

JAMB UTME is one of the most crucial examination where you've to work hard and get yourself prepared for the journey to smashing a high score! Get a low score, and home is always available to receive you for another year. But I'm sure that's not what you want for yourself.

How To Score Above 300 In 2024 JAMB UTME

Here are 3 important reasons why you need to hit a high UTME score;

1. Higher Chance Of Getting Admission (especially into your preferred course):

According to 2023 JAMB statistics, a total of 452,443 candidates applied for medicine whereas only 78,578 MBBS admission slots exist.

What about Nnamdi Azikiwe University where 2023 candidates admitted to study medicine were less than 200!

"Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, they succeed on purpose"

Your aim is to hit a high UTME score and at the end, get admitted into your preferred course of study as you wouldn't want to be left behind so, you've to work hard! 

Therefore, if you want to increase your chances of getting admission to the Higher Institution especially into your preferred course of study without any obstacle pulling you back, then a high UTME score is what you've to target.

2. High JAMB UTME Score Builds Confidence:

Have you ever felt more confident after achieving a goal? Yes definitely! That's also how you feel when you get a high UTME score.

Getting a high UTME score boosts your confidence and makes you perform better in subsequent exams like Post-UTME as well as in school and other aspects of life in general because of the confidence you've worked to build in yourself. So you see, the benefits are all yours!

3. Scholarship Opportunities:

Scoring high in JAMB UTME keeps at a greater chance of being a beneficiary to many Scholarship Awarding Bodies.

Imagine that joy that follows when receiving  credit alerts yearly as a student. But you've to work for it, nothing good comes easy! Scoring high in JAMB UTME gives you alot of benefits.

Having seen reasons why you need a high JAMB UTME score, here are incredible tips to guide you if you want to score 300+ in this forthcoming UTME. Without wasting much time, let's get into the tips!

1. Get Yourself Together; Eliminate Fear: "Never trust your fears, they don't know your strength". - Athena Singh

A lot of students after hearing the word "JAMB" or "UTME" become gripped with fear, never knowing that's the beginning of their failure.

JAMB UTME is forthcoming, and it's known as of the exam students dread the most in Nigeria but are you going to limit your academic growth or refuse to further because you are afraid of an exam? Definitely No! Deep inside, you are willing to score above 300  but there's no way you can achieve this if you don't believe in yourself.

Here are tips on how to get rid of low self-esteem and build confidence in studies:

✓ Believe and say to yourself; "I can do it"

✓ Make something your motivation:  This is one of the best way to improve in yourself. Your parents, your future ambition etc can be your motivation.

That moment when you start losing confidence in yourself, just remember what your motivation is and be like; " I have to make mama proud", "I remember I want to be a doctor", I would like to be a famous engineer" and all that. You can jo

Remembering your motivation keeps you focused on your goal and put you back on track when deviating.

✓ Never settle for less: Avoid that thought of getting scores like 200 or 220. Say to yourself; "Scoring 200 is is easy but I'm not settling for that, my target is to score 300 and above and with hardwork and God's help, I believe I can do it". You've to motivate yourself in order to achieve your goals and bring the best out of yourself.

2 . PLAN: The second factor to consider when aiming to score above 300 is to PLAN.

After you must have eliminated all forms of fear and putting yourself together, Planning on how to achieve this goal of scoring above 300 is what follows.

We're all conversant with the popular saying; "Failing to plan means planning to fail". Therefore these are things to consider when making out your study plans.

✓ Study Pattern: 

A lot of students today, just jump into reading without choosing the right study pattern that suits them and at the end of the day, achieving little or nothing. 

Therefore, choosing the right pattern of studies when studying for JAMB UTME makes reading more easier and efficient and helps you cover a lot during study hours. So when planning to score above 300 in JAMB UTME, your study plan can be in the following format;

• Reading two subjects daily, 

• Solving & studying two different years of the JAMB Past questions and answers, daily, etc

You know yourself better than I do , so create a study guide and pattern that fits you the most and ensure you stick to it until the last day to your exam.

3. Increase Study Duration And Remove Distractions: Now that you've created  a study pattern to guide you, the next thing to do is to increase study duration.

Come on, your aim is to score above 300! Nothing less. To achieve this, you've to increase the time to which you give to your studies. Scoring above 300 in JAMB UTME means that you've known 75% and above of your study materials and there's no way you can achieve this if you give just little time to studies.

Therefore, as a student intending to score above 300, your minimum study duration should be 6 hours daily.  Yes! There's alot of things to cover so you can go above 6 hours if you can but it shouldn't be less than 6 hours unless you want a lower score, which I'm sure that's not what you want.

4 Get Rid Of Distractions: This is one of the most difficult task for many students, it's just like an addiction. You don't have a choice! You should have to let go of what would distracts you when studying.

To remain focused on studies especially when intending to score 300 and above, then you've to remove all forms of distractions like your Phone, Television and anything you know would deviate your mind during studies.

When I was preparing for for my UTME, I said to myself; "It's better I suffer myself reading for the next two to three months to my exams than suffer again for another year if I fail to pass" and that mentality helped me a lot.

I had to delete my Facebook App, Movies, Video games and any other thing that could have distracted me and after my exams, I started using them again until I got tired. What was in my phone when I was studying for JAMB UTME was just some Textbooks in PDF, WhatsApp, and Myschool App which I used in practicing CBT Past Questions and Answers.

You can do same too. I advise you even smash your phone and throw inside the River. (Just joking tho😊)  but what I'm trying to put across is that you should learn how to minimize distractions during study hours. You can do it. It just requires discipline!

5. Work On Efficiency During Studies And Jot While Reading

Studying efficiently helps you cover alot and makes you retain information and ideas for a long period of time.

Efficiency during studies can be achieved by;

✓ Having A Baseline Knowledge: You can do this by watching a video Tutorial on the topic you are about to read. Doing this, understanding the topic about to be read becomes more easier during studies.

✓ Begin Your Day With Reading: This must not be for hours but once you wake up early each day; say your morning prayers, then go ahead to read something. This keeps your mind refreshed and makes you active during the remaining study periods of the day. Cultivating this habit improves study efficiency and reminds you of your goal.

✓ Jot While Reading (very important): One of the most efficient way to study especially when aiming to score above 300 in JAMB UTME, is Jotting.

Jotting while reading helps you pen down important information from your Textbooks and study materials. Therefore anytime you feel you are forgetting something, you just run to your jotter, and pick the information rather than going back to the Textbook to look for the page again.

Finally, jotting while studying for JAMB UTME makes revision more easy and helps you recall information and ideas better. During free period and after studies, it's advisable to go through your jotter.

6. Avoid Skipping Of Topics And Overcome Your Weak Areas

No matter how well  you try to study a subject, there are some topics you tend to find boring and will want to skip them. Please don't do that! Your aim is to score above 300 right? Then you've to stop skipping topics. Instead, give more time to them.

Let me ask you a question. Let's say you skip a particular area because you lack enthusiasm for that topic and the day of your exam, a question comes out from there. What will you do, skip the question too?

Definitely No! Now you see more reasons why you've to carry every topic on your JAMB Syllables along because JAMB don't care if you've read a topic or not! They can set question from anywhere and you wouldn't want to score less than 300 right? Then you've to avoid skipping of topics you find boring and give more time, work on your weak areas and carry your strength along too.

7. Study And Solve A Lot Of JAMB UTME Past Questions And Answers

JAMB Past Questions contains questions from topics you've read, topic you've just read, and topics which you are going to read in subsequent time. Solving and understanding past questions keeps you refreshed and check your success level at the course of studying.

Finally, solving a lot of JAMB Past Questions And Answers gives you bonus points on the day of your exam if you're lucky to come across repeated questions.

8. Always Memorize: Have you ever wondered why you tend to forget what you've read after sometime? Well it's because you don't memorize.

Learning how to memorize after studies boost and improves your ability to retain those information and ideas for a long period of time. This can be done during your free time, when washing clothes or doing other house chores. It's going to be fun. Believe me.

9. Stay Healthy: Keeping yourself healthy and in the right frame of mind helps you to be stronger and ready for the journey to scoring above 300 ​​​​​​in JAMB. Not ONLY JAMB, but other aspects of life too. 

Therefore; feed well, give yourself good sleep and take short break during study hours and do what you enjoy during the break.


10. Prayers: We've to involve God in all we do. So ask God for directions, guidance, good health and excellent result after your exam.

To this, we've come to the end of this post, congratulations to you all that made it here. Ensure you follow the tips and stick to them until the last day to your exam .

I wish all 2024 JAMBITES Good luck and excellent results at the end. 

Eniola Educational Consultant look forward to hearing your testimonies.

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