Recall that a memo was released on July 23, 2023 mandating all 100 level students to fill the ID Card form online for the printing of school ID Card. Regrettably only very few students have filled the online ID card form.

This is to inform all 100 level students that only students with valid school ID Card will be allowed to sit for the First Semester examination. Students are encouraged to fill the ID Card form immediately in their own interest

FUNAI notice to all 100 level students

Deans, HoDs, Lecturers and Invigilators will be duly informed to ensure that only students with valid school ID Card will be allowed into the examination halls.

Please be guided accordingly.


To capture for student ID Card*

1) Go to and click on Sign Up menu on the top right corner of the page.

2) Fill the form correctly and take note of your password.

3) Sign in with your matriculation number or your email as login ID and enter your password,

4) Fill the ID Card data capturing form correctly and upload your passport and signature "NOTE BY: Your passport should be on plain background and also crop to only show your face boldly, your shoulder is not needed. below is a sample of how your passport should look and your signature should be on white background only, stripe background like 80 leaves background wouldn't be accepted, sign on A4 paper, snap and crop to contain only the signature. Below is a sample of how your signature should look like.

*5) Go through your form to ensure that every data entered is correct before clicking the submit button

6) Sign in after one working day to print your ID Card Approved form to submit at Dean Students Affair Office. But if rejected kindly make the necessary correction.

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